Foods - Vitamins
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There is currently 1 name in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Search terms: Biotin RDIs as per Food Standards Code: 30_g biotin For infants 6_g biotin 1-3 years 8_g biotin Allowable forms for foods (Standard 1.1.1): N/A Coversion as per Food Standards Code: Further allowable forms for FSSFs: d-biotin Formulated meal replacements amounts for 1 meal serving (expressed as a proportion of the RDI): Maxium amount no amount set Maxium claim 5 _g (17%) May be added Formulated supplementary foods. Amounts for 1 meal serving and expressed as a proportion of the RDI. May be added. N/A Formulated supplementary foods for young children. Amounts for 1 meal serving and are expressed as a proportion of the RDI. May be added. N/A Formulated supplementary sports foods. Amounts set are for a one-day quantity. Maxium amount no amount set Maxium claim 50 _g Limits for Formulated beverages, maximum claim for 600ml (maximum percentage RDI claim): N/A Extra information (foods): Warnings: