Complementary Medicines

TGA – Updating medicine ingredient names

As part of as part of it’s International harmonisation of [...]

2020-04-23T10:20:42+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Complementary Medicines, Featured, Listed Medicines, Regulation, TGA|

New Zealand natural health products consultation documents available for review and comment

Complementary medicines in New Zealand are undergoing a complete revision [...]

2016-02-25T00:52:45+00:00November 18th, 2015|Complementary Medicines, Featured, Listed Medicines, Regulation|

TGA Section 31 reviews targeting product specifications

It has become apparent that the TGA are currently conducting [...]

CMA announce compositional guidelines for 10 new ingredients to be used in listed medicines

10 new ingredients have been assessed by the TGA as [...]