2022-23 TGA Annual Charges
The next financial year commences on Friday 1 July 2022, meaning that the next TGA annual charges will be incurred for all active listed or included entries on the ARTG, unless the entries are exempt under the TGA’s annual charge exemption (ACE) scheme.
Annual Charge Exemption (ACE) Scheme
A declaration of $0 turnover for entries which meet legislated criteria for exemption from annual charges (2021-22) must be made online via the TBS Portal between 1 July and 22 July 2022.
Cancelling ARTG entries
If your product is no longer supplied, to avoid incurring the next financial year annual charge, you must ensure your product is cancelled and the cancellation request is received by the TGA before or by 30 June 2022. You can cancel your products by using either the online form through TBS; or you can submit a paper-based form.
Please make sure that your account details are up to date with the TGA as non-receipt of important notices (including annual charges invoices) due to, for example, outdated contact information , is not accepted as a valid reason for a late payment, or non-payment of annual charges.
And most importantly, non-payment of annual charges will result in the cancellation of your ARTG entries.
If you need help cancelling your products or updating your contact details with the TGA please contact us.
Useful Links
TGA fees and payments