An update to the draft Permitted Substances List has been published. This update does not yet include all requests received in the last days of the period for free submission (which closed on 31 March 2017).
There are approximately 7,200 listings in the current update. These include substances that are not proposed to be included on the permitted substances list and substances being referred to the Permitted Substances List Subcommittee.
The search facility has been extended to include searching by Chemical Abstract Services (CAS) number, Enzyme Commission (EC) number, Colour Index (CI) and International Numbering System (INS) numbers.
The updated draft list can be accessed on the Ministry of Health website:
The Bill is awaiting the Committee of the Whole House stage. As there is very limited parliamentary time before the election in September, it is unclear if the Bill will be put to the house for its third reading before the election.
Courtesy Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora